The Stroud New Development Group (NDG) is made up of local members, who, together with the local priests, have been hard at work for several years now with weekly meetings and sometimes more often than that with the architects, structural engineers and other professionals and interested parties. The NDG also undertakes to share project developments and deliberations with the local congregation who have played an active role in the process since its inception.
In addition there exists a Priests’ Architecture Group made up of three priests from the British region whose primary concern is that the spaces should serve the sacramental life in the most worthy way possible. The overall legal and financial responsibility for the project lies with the Council of Management for The Christian Community in Great Britain and Ireland. Both of these groups are consulted with on a regular basis.
We are delighted to announce that we have now appointed Geoff Haslam as our Project Manager for the rest of the project. He has already had considerable experience with a similar project completed last year – the complicated rebuilding of the church for The Christian Community in Hammersmith, London – within the confines of a listed building!