




 Interactive Community Calendar

Gospel Readings for 2024

The Programme for May – July 2024 can be found here.

                       The Newsletter for May 2024  can be found here.

Costs the church needs to cover  (visual)

Contributions Letter April 2024

Budget 2024



    JULY 2024

Sun 21st  11.30am Conversation Morning
Sun 28th 11.30am Simone Weil – The Essence of her thoughts Talk 

August 2024

Sun 4th 11.30am Karma Drama – research work with Mike chase
Sun 11th 11.30am Our local Stroud micro dairy – Presentation
Sun 18th 11.30am Democracy work in CaliforniaTalk by Michael Draskovic
Sun 25th 11.30am 100 years of Biodynamics – talk by Vivian Griffiths
Sat 31st 10.15am Prologue Study with Aaron

For details of any of the above events please email stroudchristiancommunity@gmail.com or call us on 01453 762926

Subscribe to News and Content up-dates

We continue to send out a weekly Community News on Wednesdays as well as a weekly Saturday Support to prepare for the Sundays with sermons and other content. If you would like to receive these lease contact us on stroudchristiancommunity@gmail.com . You can always unsubscribe by simply sending a brief note.

Funeral Fund

We have created a special fund for those who wish to pay for their funerals ‘in advance’ so to speak. The idea is that one pays in an amount to the fund to cover the anticipated cost of the funeral (currently +- £4000) and any additional sum to become a special sacrament donation to the church in the event of the funeral. It remains a loan for which there is a signed agreement with the church which can be found here. The agreement can be cancelled and the money withdrawn with 2 month’s notice if need be. The idea is that the congregation takes on all the financial dealings with the Funeral directors and crematorium etc, which liberates the family from having to do so, and it serves as a loan which earns interest for the church and which the church can use for capital development until the time the money is needed. For instance this financed all the alterations in the annex to allow for the building project a few years ago. We currently have a good number of members with money in the fund. If you are interested in pursuing this further contact one of the priests or Paul Abel who manages the fund, via the church email stroudchristiancommunity@gmail.com

                                          Make a donation

We are a not-for-profit organisation. If you wish to support the church please donate to the below account. All donations will be gratefully received. Do let us know if you are eligible for Gift Aid.

  The Christian Community in Stroud        Sort code – 30-98-29         a/c no – 00091757

St Bride’s Fund

We are beginning to really enjoy the versatility of our new spaces and also St Bride’s Hall. We always said we would like to transform St Bride’s into a worthy and practical multi-purpose space for ourselves and others who rent. In this way we could do our best to support the social and cultural life of our community and beyond. With this in mind a small group – Ian Bailey, Piet Blok and Aaron Mirkin have made some initial steps towards making this happen. Please read the full letter here. Donations can be made into our regular church Lloyds account using the donate button above with the reference ‘St Brides’. Good news is, thanks to the fund, we already have the new blinds, the new loop system for hard-of-hearing, new projector screen and backdrop rails. – and most recently are about to have the old roof finally cleaned of the thick moss. Next in our sights is to upgrade the access between the hall and the kitchen and build a new porch roof outside the Annex. Thanks to all who have donated to the fund so far.

Our new church

Our new church was officially opened and consecrated in October 2019 and continues to be a source of renewed joy and strength for our sacramental work.

Video of the new church – Here is a video interview about our new church that was very generously and kindly done for us by Peter Richardson in December 2019. He also did the Spring Fair video that is linked on our website. He is one of the co-founders of Stroud Community TV. 

Here also is a recent article written in the De Zeen architecture magazine describing the innovative architecture of our new church.

Here is another article from ‘Architecture Today’ describing our new building.


Our new building was shortlisted for the 2021 Structural Awards
We came in as runners up!

Awarded for excellence in the structural design of projects with a construction cost of less than three million pounds.

The Christian Community in Great Britain is a registered charity in England & Wales

Charity number 210029.